Monday, November 21, 2011


Thanksgiving is a few days away, which means lots of food and family! But one thing you want to avoid this holiday season is a clogged kitchen sink. Here are a few tips to remember while cooking this Thanksgiving:

  1. Avoid pouring fatty foods and grease down the kitchen sink. The fatty foods and grease leave build up inside the drain and can cause a very nasty clog. After letting the grease cool down, pour it into an empty jar and throw it away instead.
  2. Be cautious as to what goes into your garbage disposal. Some foods such as potato skins, turkey skin, celery and even pumpkin seeds are harder to properly grind down.
  3. When you do plan to use your garbage disposal, turn on the water and let the disposal run for a few seconds before pouring any food down the drain. 
Even by following these few steps, clogged kitchen drains can still occur. Air Design Systems provides 24-hour service with no additional after-hour charge. So if you and your family run into any plumbing problems this Thanksgiving holiday call Air Design Systems and leave the clogged drains to us! Now that is something to be thankful for!

Air Design Systems also provides 24-hour Heating and Air Conditioning service with no additional after-hour charge. Call 202-COOL night or day, Air Design Systems is on the way!

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